Thursday, November 19, 2009

You're the one i miss.

Dear Adam,

Maybe my brother was right.
Maybe you're not coming back.

I understand you need time away.
I've felt that way before.
But while feeling that way i've always considered the other person.
I've always done everything i can not to hurt anyone else.
And i don't think you've done that.

I don't think you get how much you've hurt me.
I miss you.
I need you here with me.
The time we spent together was absolutely amazing.
In 2 short months, you became one of the best friends i've ever had,
and then you left.

I've told you so many times
how much it hurts to put my trust in someone
and then have them walk away.
You promised me you would never do that.
And then you did.

I know you said you'd come back when you're ready
but i don't know if you'll ever ready.
And if you do come back,
will it even be the same?

I miss making mix cds for you.
I miss having sleep overs with you.
I miss waking up at 5 am to watch the sunrise with you.
I miss getting wasted with you and laughing until we couldn't breathe.
I miss playing guitar and piano and singing with you.
I miss making dinner with you,
and going on adventures with you.
I miss BlackBridge nights,
and long bus rides with you.
I miss calling you up late at night,
knowing it was okay to cry to you.
I miss sharing my secrets with you,
and i miss the feeling of comfort you gave me.

I truely and sincerely
miss your heartbeat.
Nothing more,
nothing less.

"And you, you knew the hands of the devil.
And you, kept us awake with wolf teeth.
Sharing different heartbeats,
in one night"

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