Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Come on now, come down now.

We draw maps and plans to escape.
And these little lines we trace will follow our veins
Through our wrists, through our arms,
To where it all starts,
To where the blood is pumped from our hearts.

Monday, August 10, 2009

New born

Welcome to the world, Lenni Ella Monroe.

Jessi, i am so proud of you.
I know times are tough, but you're going to be an amazing mother.
You've come so far, and now that she's here, i know you'll make the most of it.

I can't wait to meet this little girl.
I'm sure she's as beautiful as her mother.

I love you Jessi, congratulations.
Don't ever give up<3

Summer Daze

I'm already starting to cross some things off my list. I'm so excited :]

The things i've done are in italics.

Things I want to do this summer:

Get my hummingbird tattoo (April 13th, 2009!) and my “choice” tattoo.
See Adela.
See Marty and Wesley and Amanda as much as i can.
Go on a camping trip with friends.
Hopefully go on a road trip to Newfoundland with Viktor.
Visit Erin and Eric in Bradford.
Go to Bluesfest.
Dance in the rain.
Lie on the ground and watch cloud shapes go by.
Go on a bike trip with Peter.
Get new camera supplies and start saving for my Nikon D80.
Get the Plastic Fantastic camera kit.
Make as few Hull Runs as possible.
Go on a picnic with Diamond Girl, baby, Little Boy Blue, Lungs, Bumble Bee, and Weasel.
Buy a hookah.
Have more sober fun than intoxicated fun. (I'd say it was about half and half)
Go on as many pointless adventures as possible.
Have umbrella drinks.
Have as many picnics as possible.
Go to Montreal and participate in TamTams.
Fall asleep in someone’s arms.
Have another pie and booze day.
Bring the whole crew together, for just one day, and have it feel like old times.
Get a job doing something i actually enjoy.
Go to the beach and make sand castles.
Have a bonfire party.
Have a beach party.
Sleep under the stars.
Spend the majority of my time outside.
Read as many books as I can get my hands on.
Write people letters, to tell them how I really feel.
Make a new friend who I feel a connection with that I’ve never felt before.
Paint more.
Write more.
Sing more.
Play more.
Shoot more.
Perform one of my songs for someone.
See old friends, and people I don’t get to see often enough.
Meet new people.
Break the routine, and try as many new things as possible.
Hang out with different people more often.
Become pen pals with someone, and actually keep it going. Screw the internet; I want old good ol’ fashioned letters.
Make 17 better than 16.
Have a fancy party.
Complete as many things on the list with Jake Sullivan as I can.
Have someone model for me for a photo shoot.
Take the best photo I’ve ever taken. (Maybe not the best, but at least one of the best)
See a side of myself I’ve never seen before.
Overcome a fear.
Stay strong.
Feel alive.

Let's make it a good one.